in the west和in the western part的区别?

in the west和in the western part的区别?

lt has good stuff in the western part of china.
单单从语法角度上来说是没错的,但是in the west part在口语中会更常用一点

we all have a part to play是什么意思

we all have a part to play 我们都有一个角色 双语对照 例句: 1. We all have a part to play in fighting the battle against crime. 在抵制犯罪的斗争中我们人人有责。 2. I’m gonna have to play her part. 我会替代她的角色的。

in the first part of the December quarter 什么意思?

first quarter of a year 是第一季度的意思, quarter是四分之一嘛
所以我推测December quarter 指十二月的第一周

join与 join in,take part与take part in有什么区别

join是加入并成为其中一员,例如join the party(加入党组织)
join in是参加,加入与take part in意思相近,但后面多跟小型聚会或活动,而take part in后常跟正式的大型的聚会或活动。
至于take part也是参加的意思,做一下两个句子作比较:
She is ill seriously,so she can not take part.
She is going to take part in a competition.


