have a material impact on是什么意思

have a material impact on是什么意思


1.The financial stability board, the global standards-setting body, suggested last month that 40 to 60 per cent of the bonuses paid to senior executives and others whose actions have a material impact on the risk profile of their companies should be deferred and paid “ over a period of years ”.
制定全球标准的金融稳定委员会(financial stability board)上月建议,对于其行为对所在公司的风险状况具有实质影响的高管及其他人员,40%至60%的奖金应予以推迟,改为“在几年内分批”发放。

2.In other words, the warehouses built this year likely won ‘t have a positive, material impact on the company’ s bottom line until 2014.


